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Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraqi War

(Pertains to discussions of Oct 30 2002 on War and the Environment)

The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11
by David Ray Griffin
Pub. Mar. 2004
Media Reviews From Bookseller

(Pertains to Jan - Feb 2003 breakout discussion group on 9-11)


Good Planets Are Hard To Find

A Discussion Group on the Environment

Meetings suspended Spring 2005


November and December 2004
January 2005

[24 Nov 2004:]

As was decided at the Oct 27 2004 GoodPlanets discussion, we will proceed over the next few months with an open forum on current events, trends, and ideas for possible courses of corrective action (for example, economic and energy end-dependence).

For November 24, December 22, and January 26, we have arranged to meet at Bellevue regional library:

7:00-9:00 pm
Bellevue Regional Library,
1111 110th ave NE, Bellevue WA.

Due to the holidays, Please RSVP to me for the November 24 and December 22 discussions no later than the Monday evening before the Wednesday discussion. I will send out a message on Tuesday evening notifying potential attendees of the number planning to attend, so we can decide if we will go ahead with the discussion.

Future Discussion Topics to be determined

Past Discussion Topics

[23 Jun 2004: Facilitated by Rodger]
Review of Plan B - According to the author, who is considered to be one of our great gurus of ecology, the first serious fallout from degraded environmental trends will be continuing shortfalls in grain production, which will effect food supply ... [ more ]

[23 May 2004: Facilitated by Rodger]
sustainability and food. - We will first have a brief discussion of food sustainability, based on the information in the Audubon article referenced below. Then we will serve the potluck items, and discuss the sustainability of each. [ more ]

[28 Apr 2004: Facilitated by Karen and Carla ]
Socially Responsible Investing - SRI is competitive with other forms of investing, and is growing rapidly. There are hundreds of choices, as well as dozens of criterion, and each fund is different. The bottom line is that if you want to invest, the best thing to do is jump in and learn which funds meet your criterion for socially responsible. [ more ]

[24 Mar 2004: Facilitated by Norm]
What ever happened to Community? - We ended up defining "community" as groups we belong to with levels of involvement (similar to the concentric circles idea where the deepest community exists in the center). [ more ]

[25 Feb 2004: Facilitated by Becky]
Art and the Environment - The question of why art is good for the planet has many answers. To continue the tradition of everybody participating during the discussion, I'd like to ask you to come prepared for a show and tell ... [ more ]

[28 Jan 2004: Facilitated by Rodger]
Good News: An Alternative to Corporate Globalization - Progressive social visionaries such as Marilyn Ferguson, Fritjof Capra, and Willis Harman have been predicting a civilization wide shift in values for decades. Corporations, government, media, and movements caught in narrow viewpoints have been blamed for retarding the predicted shift ... [ more ]


About this Web Page
The topic of the earth and our relationship to it will become increasingly important over the next few decades. Environmental interest groups were the first prominant manifestation of the Environmental Movement. Beyond this, the planet and our relationship to it have become very suceptable to political actions of all governments on earth, and especially, at this time, the U.S. government. Therefore a discussion of the health of our planet, as well as our ability to sustain quality of life for the earth's inhabitants, will necessarily concern political issues.

of selected books used in GoodPlanets discussions

Plan B: Rescuing a Planet under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble by Lester R. Brown (Pertains to Planned June 23 Discussion)