science and the new world view.
The following were discussed in Ferguson’s book:
Bells Theorem
The EPR thought experiment was devised by Einstein Podolsky and Rosen
to discredit the new quantum physics. This thought experiment said that if quantum
theory were correct, a change in spin of one particle
in a two particle system would effect its twin simultaneously, instantaneoulsy, even if the two
had been widely separated in space. A mathamatical proof of this was produced
by JS Bell in 1964, and experimentally confirmed in 1972. This effect is probably not
the result of a transfer of information, but rathr a consequence of the one-ness of
apparently separate objects. According to Gary Zukav, "Bell's theorem not only suggests
that the world is quite differnt than it seems, it damands it". But others would argue
that macroscopic reality may be quite different from subatomic reality.