Kevin said: If You take everything to be similar but to scale, then you,
the planet, the galaxy, universe, will all be to scale, know one, know them
If everything of this planet is therefore operating to the same
harmonic formulations, with regional variations thus causing slight
alterations, Darwin’s theories are obsolete, and it is the specific inputs and
outputs of the dual flows of aether that will determine the variants and
alterations. The 720 degree on/off sequence will be time, and that time will
be particular to all the variant aspects of universe, as will light and
gravity. It may also explain why the earth apparently spins and is subject to
precession, as every single atoms will turn on/off within the whorls specific
to the Anu shape, all of which will be symbiotic to the UNIVERSAL lattice
grid, not this earth grid that they keep waffling about; the grid is fractal,
and will be specific to every part of the grid universally; therefore if one
were to alter the geometry locally within a strong enough field to overcome
the earth’s field, you would instantly be wherever the geometry matched in
universe, You couldn't exist anywhere else, and the ability to maintain the
field geometry about yourself will determine if you stay , if not you will
instantly vanish and appear back at the geometric point matching your field
Yes. If you change the frequency
(vibration), it will change the “field geometry” for everything and everyone
throughout the entire Universe. We must turn our "toroidal geometric field"
inside out. I think that is what Dan Winter is saying. If we open our hearts to
unconditional love, they will "turn inside out?" This is the real "alchemical
transformation". We change the "magnetic resonance" of our hearts. A new
harmonic frequency will change our hearts from "lead" to "gold" because the
heart's geometric shape is based on the torus. The torus is fractal and
recursive and will unfold and enfold based on the Phi spiral. The heart will
"implode" and turn inside out. DNA will "unzip" and "implode" and turn inside
out. The Earth will implode and turn inside out. The Sun will implode and turn
inside out; the solar system will implode and turn inside out; the entire
Universe will implode and turn inside out; and then we will all go to the next
level (dimension) and start a new Phi spiral journey at the next octave.
The “Universal Geometric field” – the Torus
Toroidal Space
A major branch of geometry is the study of geometrical structures on
manifolds. A manifold is a curved space of some dimension. The surface of a
sphere and the torus (the surface of a doughnut) are both 2-dimensional
In particle physics, the doughnut shape is also known to
provide the best environment within which to accelerate particles as it can
hold and route the plasma formed by such machines in a more efficient manner.
Toroidal geometry is attractive for space energy storage magnets because it
results in small external magnetic fields.
The torus has also been used
to illustrate certain concepts of the so-called "subtle energy" worlds. The
toroidal form figures heavily into the esoteric study of sacred geometry.
Since ancient times, "seers" have confirmed that the human aura appears as a
series of nested spherical torus formations.
In one of the basic
structures of physics, called the Tube Torus there is a study of vortex energy
that describes Light and Language in its potential.
One of the energy
patterns around the body is in the shape of a torus - or donut - with the
energy flowing through the body and looping around to connect in at the feet
and the head. It is as though we are in the middle position of the donut. The
flow in through the head and feet is bidirectional. In the matrix of this flow
are the wave and particle relationships that structure and govern the
nurturing "cosmic" energy from which we are crystallized.
It has even
been suggested that the torus can be used to define the workings of
consciousness itself. In other words consciousness has a geometry! The
geometric shape used to describe the self-reflexive nature of consciousness is
the torus. The torus allows a vortex of energy to form which bends back along
itself and re-enters itself. It 'inside-outs' and is continuously flowing back
into itself. Thus the energy of a torus is continually refreshing itself,
continually influencing itself. Some amazing work has been done over the years
by Dan Winter who suggests with geometric diagrams that the only way
self-reflexiveness can continue without breaking down is by using waveforms
based on harmonics of the golden section. He claims our very DNA is a helix
formed by 2 rotating geometric figures called icosahedrons and dodecahedrons.
Stan Tenen (MERU Foundation) has also done some great work along these
The torus enables vortexes to be formed. All torii create energy
vortexes. Energy can funnel up or down through it; the rotating nature of a
torus generates a flow of energy through the torus, depending upon the speed
of rotation of the torus and the kind of torus it is (there are 3 kinds of
standard torii). An examination of the torus shows that its very construction
forms energy funnels, or vortexes.
The toroidal shape used in HRT is
similar to a doughnut but rather than having an empty central "hole", the
topology of a torus folds in upon itself and all points along its surface
converve together into a zero-dimensional point at the center called the
Vertex. This makes it the perfect environment within which to populate the
automatous partials that make up the essence of any dynamic function such as a
person's vibrational essence. Any input placed at the Vertex while the torus
is "torsioned" (folded and rotated inward) is spread out and distributed over
the entire surface of the toroid.
The Toroidal Shape
of the Sun and the Planets
The Resonance Project
We have introduced torque and Coriolis forces in Einstein's field
equation to form an expression for the spin driving forces that we observe in
a vast variety of cosmological, classical, and quantum domain phenomenon. This
approach appears to fit well with the spinor approach in the Dirac formalism
in the quantum domain, that is, that the Lorentz conditions applied by
Einstein in relativity may be the origin of the spinor and, hence, be the
fundamental theory that yields the spinor formalism and the role of spin in
physical phenomena.
The dual torus topology occupies a central role in
the spinor, twistor and quaternionic formulation. This topology appears to be
ubiquitous in astrophysical and cosmological phenomena and is predicted by the
U4 bubble of the affine connection in the Haramein-Rauscher solution to
Einstein’s field equations. The geometric structure of the complexified
Minkowski space is associated with the twistor algebra, spinor calculus, and
the SUn groups of the quaternionic formalism. Hence quantum theory and
relativity are related mathematically through the dual torus
We have demonstrated a unique relationship of the dual torus
topology to the spinor calculus, twistor algebra and the quaternionic
formalism. This topology appears to be ubiquitous in Nature and may result
from spacetime torque and Coriolis forces generating spin/rotation at all
scales, from galactic and stellar objects, supernovae, to the weather patterns
in the Earth’s atmosphere, and may even be a key to defining an electron’s
path. The tori form appears to also occupy a role in unification models
through the group utilized in supersymmetry
Invariant Tori
At 10,000 Earth masses, Jupiter perturbs Earth's orbit into what looks
like a doughnut. This is the key to the KAM proof of the stability of orbits
under planetary perturbations.
The key to understanding the KAM theorem
is the concept of an "invariant torus".
A torus is the surface of an
inner tube, a bagel, or a doughnut. Any point on the torus can be labelled by
two angles, one giving the angle around the hole in the middle and the other
giving the angle around the tube cylinder.
You see that the Earth's
trajectory looks rather like a torus; while Jupiter pushes and pulls on the
Earth, and the distance to the sun depends on where Jupiter is, our trajectory
is still confined on a bounded surface: our climate isn't nice, but it stays
within certain extremes...
Why a torus? Think about the system in the
"non-interacting planet approximation" where the masses of Earth and Jupiter
are both set to zero. Earth and Jupiter both move in near-circular ellipses
around the Sun. Jupiter's year is 11.862972 Earth years in this program. So,
in the four dimensional space (x,y) for Earth and (X,Y) for Jupiter, the
planets are approximately spiralling aroung the torus in the four dimensional
configuration space (or, if you prefer, in the 18 dimensional phase space of
positions and velocities of Earth, Sun, and
The Toroidal Shape of the Solar (Hydrogen)
Atom and the Human Heart
The Anu is a sun in miniature in its own universe of the inconceivably
minute. Each of the seven whorls is connected with one of the Planetary Logoi,
so that each Planetary Logos has a direct influence playing on the very matter
of which all things are constructed. It may be supposed that the three
conveying electricity, a differentiation of Fohat, are related to the Solar
Force pours into the heart-shaped depression at the top of the
Anu, and issues from the point, and is changed in character by its passage;
further, force rushes through every spiral and every spirilla, and the
changing shades of colour that flash out from the rapidly revolving and
vibrating Anu depend on the several activities of the spirals; sometimes one,
sometimes another, is thrown into more energetic action, and with the change
of activity from one spiral to another the colour changes.
The Anu has
three proper motions, i.e., motions of its own, independent of any imposed
upon it from outside. It turns incessantly upon its own axis, spinning like a
top; it describes a small circle with its axis, as though the axis of the
spinning top moved in a small circle; it has a regular pulsation, a
contraction and expansion, like the pulsation of the heart. When a force is
brought to bear upon it, it dances up and down, flings itself wildly from side
to side, performs the most astonishing and rapid gyrations, but the three
fundamental motions incessantly persist. If it be made to vibrate, as a whole,
at the rate which gives any one of the seven colours, the whorl belonging to
that colour glows out brilliantly.
An electric current brought to bear
upon the Anu checks their proper motions, i.e., renders them slower; the Anu
exposed to it arrange themselves in parallel lines, and in each line the
heart-shaped depression receives the flow, which passes out through the apex
into the depression of the next, and so on. The Anu always set themselves to
the current. In all the diagrams the heart-shaped body, exaggerated to show
the depression caused by the inflow and the point caused by the outflow, is a
single Anu.
The Toroidal Shape of the Human Bio-energy
Human energy field, subtle bodies
Jay Alfred: There have been many depictions of the human energy field and
subtle bodies in the metaphysical and religious literature. The interesting
observation in these depictions is the many signature features that can be
associated with plasma. This suggests that the human energy field and the
subtle body can be modeled as a bioplasma body.
Toroidal Shape of DNA
Electronic structure of DNA
The knowledge of the electronic properties of DNA is an important issue
in many scientific areas from biochemistry to nanotechnology -- for example in
the study of DNA damage by ultraviolet radiation that may cause the generation
of free radicals and genetic mutations. In those cases, DNA repair occurs
spontaneously via an electronic charge transfer along the DNA helix that
restores the damaged molecular bonds.
In nano-bioelectronics, which is
the advanced research field devoted to the study of biological molecules (to
produce electrical nanocircuits, for example), it has been suggested that DNA,
or its derivatives, may become used as possible conducting molecular wires in
the realization of molecular computing networks which are smaller and more
efficient than those produced today with silicon technology.
In their
work, the researchers were able to decode the electronic structure of DNA and
to understand how the electrons distribute into the various parts of the
double helix, a result that has been pursued by scientists for many years, but
was previously hindered by technical problems.
DNA is a four-dimensional dodecahedron, in the sense that adding one spin
to three dimensions adds a harmonic and a nest for memory. (The pressure
envelopes of the little bubbles of light which make up the matter of the gene
are enfolded or enveloped with another harmonic, with each successive axis of
spin, or symmetry.) The DNA double-helix keeps a set of wavelengths evenly
spaced on a path through time and space; thus it conserves the wave
Sacred Geometry and the Structure of the Torch
of Life
The structure of the Torch of Life is built on the principles of sacred
geometry. It is comprised of lines and circles which are arranged according to
the PHI ratio 1:1.618 approximation of the Fibonacci sequence. This ratio and
its primary measurement, symbolic of the Sun Spot cycle, dictate its size. The
active (masculine, linear) nature of the Galdrastafr is regulated by the
passive (feminine, circular) form of the mandala. The raw creative power
represented by the runes are contained and regulated by the compassion of the