3/6/10: The
UFOs/ETs Abductions and
Alleged Ancient ET Civilizations Through History: Initial Survey
Version 1. 10/07/2009
PSN takes no position on these issues, including criticisms by detractors.
Advocates of ETI:
Immanuel Velikovsky, Erich von Däniken, Alan F. Alford, Laurence Gardner and Zecharia Sitchin
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zecharia_Sitchin
Alfred L. Webre, JD, Med see below
Richard C. Hoagland: see below
Advocates of SI (spiritual intelligence)
The Watcher (Dave Flynn) see below
Traditional Researchers:
John Mack
Robert (Bob) Pratt
Nick Pope
Jacques Vallee: See below
The Sirius Mystery
Sirius Mystery is a book by Robert K.
The “mystery” is how the Dogon allegedly acquired knowledge of Sirius B, the invisible companion star of Sirius A.
civilization in both
Mainstream media news articles on the views of Edgar Mitchell:
IONS Shift
pdf downloaded from http://paradigmresearchgroup.org
Dean Radin: The Shift: Enduring Enigma Of the UFO
Selected Books
In an expanded edition of her bestselling book, The Phoenix Lights...A Skeptic's Discovery That We Are Not Alone, Dr. Lynne D. Kitei is now sharing the "rest of the story" since coming forward after seven years of anonymity in 2004 as the key witness to the AZ mass UFO sighting called the "Phoenix Lights". Besides a comprehensive update, she is finally revealing the first scientifically analyzed photographic evidence of "missing time", studied and presented by Navy Optical Physicist, Dr. Bruce Maccabee in 1999, but kept private by Dr. Lynne for over a dozen years. Her hope is that this stunning data may help shed 'light' on the reality that other times and spaces are existing along with ours - as Dr. Michio Kaku and noted quantum physicists have long theorized. Her groundbreaking information takes a unique step forward in raising awareness that we are not alone in the Universe. ***
Kitei appeared on Coast to Coast AM on 3/6/10:
Christopher Knight, Alan Butler<br>
Jim Maars
Alien Agenda
Selected Websites :
Dr. Lynne Kitei’s website:
UFO Evidence
General Wesley Clark - UFO Expert?
Institute for the study of globalization and Covert Politics: The UFO Issue
What are UFO Hotspots?
From the Journal of Scientific Investigation: book reviews of Jacques Vallee’s Forbidden Science
Five Arguments Against Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying Objects by Jacques Vallee
Notes on Budd Hopkins, Leslie Kean, Nick Redfern and Matt Moniz
Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins,
Buzz Aldrin: Apollo 11 July 1969:
Alfred L. Webre, JD, MEd is a Yale graduate who espouses the existence of an advanced civiliazation on Mars.
His book and website address Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe. He is international director
of the Institute for Cooperation in Space and chair of the Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS) <BR>
Robert O. Dean
Steven Greer: The Disclosure Project
Richard C. Hoagland and Edgar Mitchell discuss and debate moon anomalies:
October 25 2003, scholars, theologians and scientists came together at the
Notes on the 6-DVD set:
Notes on the presenters:
Note this is the same Richard C. Hoagland that has claimed seeing anomalies in the eyes of certain hurricanes, a geometrical signature of a pentagonal shape. See
Salla is an internationally recognized scholar of
international politics, conflict resolution, and
Mark Woodhouse in his book Paradigm Wars states on extraterrestrial cultures " It has become clear that major governments have covered up both what they know and their own involvement in this area. Chapter 14 explores why I believe a cover up has been perpetuated, and why the answers to the question of ETs are coming sooner than we might think. The truth about ETs is far more complex than most imagine." [P. 41.]