PhD researchers pursuing non-mainstream physics:


Dr Oleg Jefimenko


Jefimenko has worked on the generalization of Newton's gravitational theory to time-dependent systems. In his opinion, there is no objective reason for abandoning Newton's force-field gravitational theory (in favor of a metric gravitational theory). He is actively trying to develop and expand Newton's theory, making it compatible with the principle of causality and making it applicable to time-dependent gravitational interactions.

Jefimenko's expansion, or generalization, is based on the existence of the second gravitational force field, the "cogravitational, or Heaviside's, field". This is might also be called a gravimagnetic field. It represents a physical approach profoundly different from the time-space geometry approach of the Einstein general theory of relativity. Oliver Heaviside first predicted this field in the article "A Gravitational and Electromagnetic Analogy" (1893).


Oliver Heaviside: The Life, Work, and Times of an Electrical Genius of the Victorian Age (Paperback)





Takaaki Musha

Takaaki Musha (born September 17, 1951) is a Japanese research engineer. He received M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan, in 1977 and 1994, respectively, both in material science and mechanical engineering. He joined the Advanced Space Propulsion Investigation Committee (ASPIC) in 1994, which was organized under the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, the purpose of which was to study non-chemical space propulsion systems.

He has been working for the Technical Research & Development Institute of the as a research engineer on naval systems. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) , the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Marine Acoustics Society of Japan. He has published numerous articles in scientific and engineering journals. In addition to acoustics, his research interests include physics of faster-than-light (also known as superluminal) phenomena, anti-gravitational propulsion, and non-conventional energy sources. From 1992 to 1996, he conducted experiments to confirm the Biefeld-Brown effect solely and later cooperated with the research group of the Honda R&D institute, and obtained positive results. He also derived the formula to explain the electrogravitic effect from the weak-field approximation of Einstein's General Relativity Theory; a formula that was similar to the formula obtained by Boyko V.Ivanov, which was derived from the Weyl-Majumdar-Papapetrou solutions of the General Relativity Theory.

massive spelling and grammar errors,  but interesting.

The Possibility of Neutrinos Detected as Tachyons by Takaaki Musha

Recent measurements of electron neutrinos suggest they might have an imaginary rest mass. This would mean they are faster than light (FTL) particles, which were named tachyons by G. Feinberg