* Is there evidence that this is a time of crisis?
(from article in LA Times, and from Capra's Turning Point)
- those in power have admitted there are no solutions to the most pressing problems
- Increased environmental degradation
- Increased militarization
- Breach of corporate accountability; govt unwilling to do anything about it
- Rule of country/world by elete/corportions (plutocracy)
- Over-ride of environmental laws and constitutional rights
- "terrorism", (what ever that is)

* Is there a link between war and environmental issues
- UN Report: Continuous war in third world is damaging mountains and degrading water quality
- Wars are mostly about who gets resources (Book: Resource Wars)
- Military "necessity" overrides environmental laws

* Is there evidence of progressive movement?
- wto demo seattle nov 1999
- anti war/anti globalization demo DC, Seattle etc, april 20
- Rolling Thunder successful over the country (over 5000 here)
- Advertisment in seat times/pi: 600 + sigs against iraqi war
- Landmark Global warming legislation passed in California
- Published books

* Could such movement possibly serve to resolve the crisis?

* Several authors, in their works of the '80s, including Marilyn Ferguson's "The Aquarian Conspiracy, Alvin Toffler's "he Third Wave", Fritjof Capra's The Turning Point", Hazel Henderson's The Politics of the Solar Age, and theodore Roszak's Person/Planet have made predictions of a "paradigm shift" in society. So far the predicted transformation has not occured. Why not?

- business as usual;
- government,
- corporations,
- media,
- movements caught in narrow specialized interests.

* Is there evidence of sarokin's movement away from sensate to ideational/idealistic??
- counter-culture movement of 60's-70's
- consciousness movement
- rise of "cults"?

* Edward O. Wilson, one of the most distinguished and respected of scientists, believes that the rationality of the enlightmentment is the way to resolve the developing crisis, (which he sees as primarily environmentsl) while Fritjof Capra believes we are in line for a movement toward Sarokin's "ideational" society, and emphasizes intuition rather than rationality to resolve the developing crisis. What do you think?

What, if anything, should we be trying to do?