Of Possible Interest

Updated 7/02/2012


Geometry and Quantum Mechanics

B.G. Sidharth

Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, Volume 29 no 3, 2004



Quantum mechanical black holes: towards a unification of

quantum mechanics and general relativity

B.G. Sidharth

arXiv:quant-ph/9808020, 1, (12 August 1998)



Dark matter, dark energy, dark… magnetism?

by Stephen Battersby

New Scientist 04 June 2012


Notes: dark magnetism.doc



Physics and Geometry

By Ali Nassar

African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)

6-8 Melrose Road, Muizenberg 7945, South Africa




Download free Mindful Universe: Quantum Mechanics and the Participating Observer by Henry Stapp

Springer 2007


Note: you must register first at: http://www.shareseeking.com/register.php


Google Preview:

Mindful universe: quantum mechanics ... - Google Books





Institute of Noetic Sciences:

Book review of  Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences
by Jeffrey Long with Paul Perry (HarperOne, 2009)



Institute of Noetic Sciences:

Consciousness and Parapsychology: A Thought Experiment

Michael Grosso, PhD

excerpted from the anthology Mind before Matter (O Books, 2007),

edited by Trish Pfeiffer, John Mack, and Paul Devereux



New Book: Messages: Signs, Visits, and Premonitions from Loved Ones Lost on 9/11 [Hardcover]

Bonnie McEneaney June 2010





Although published in 1998, the paper THE ORIGIN OF INERTIA, by James F. Woodward, discusses in  a lucid way, many concepts of physics and quantum mechanics. In particular, it offers an interesting perspective on and critique of the Zero Point Field theory of inertia put forward by Haisch, Rueda, and Puthoff in 1994, and popularized by Lynn McTaggart’s book The Field.




The Quantum Basis of Natural Intelligence?

List of references



One ref:  in fund/ 9505374v1.pdf Theory of Brain Function, Quantum Mechanics and Superstrings


From   Los Alamos National Lab




Recent developments/efforts to understand aspects of the brain function at the {\em sub-neural} level are discussed. MicroTubules (MTs) participate in a wide variety of dynamical processes in the cell, especially in bioinformation processes such as learning and memory, by possessing a well-known binary error-correcting code with 64 words. In fact, MTs and DNA/RNA are unique cell structures that possess a code system. It seems that the MTs' code system is strongly related to a kind of ``Mental Code" in the following sense. The MTs' periodic paracrystalline structure make them able to support a superposition of coherent quantum states, as it has been recently conjectured by Hameroff and Penrose, representing an external or mental order, for sufficient time needed for efficient quantum computing. Then the quantum superposition collapses spontaneously/dynamically through a new, string-derived mechanism for collapse proposed recently by Ellis, Mavromatos, and myself. At the moment of collapse, organized quantum exocytosis occurs, and this is how a ``{\em mental order}" may be translated into a ``{\em physiological action}". Our equation for quantum collapse, tailored to the MT system, predicts that it takes 10,000 neurons ${\cal O}(1\,{\rm sec})$ to dynamically collapse (process and imprint information). Different observations/experiments and various schools of thought are in agreement with the above numbers concerning ``{\em conscious events}". If indeed MTs, may be considered as the {\em microsites of consciousness}, then several unexplained properties of consciousness/awareness, get easily explained, including ``{\em backward masking}", ``{\em referal backwards in time}". The {\em non-locality} in the cerebral cortex of neurons related to particular missions, and the related {\em unitary sense of self} as well as


Whole paper: http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/hep-ph/9505374


Holonomic model Pribram's holonomic model of brain processing states that, in addition to the circuitry accomplished by the large fiber tracts in the brain, processing also occurs in webs of fine fiber branches (for instance, dendrites) that form webs. This type of processing is properly described by Gabor quanta of information, wavelets that are used in quantum holography, the basis of fMRI, PET scans and other image processing procedures.

Gabor wavelets are windowed Fourier transforms that convert complex spatial (and temporal) patterns into component waves whose amplitudes at their intersections become reinforced or diminished. Fourier processes are the basis of holography. Holograms can correlate and store a huge amount of information - and have the advantage that the inverse transform returns the results of correlation into the spatial and temporal patterns that guide us in navigating our universe.





Rethinking neural networks: quantum fields and biological data

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates inc 1993 $135

  Karl H. Pribram editor




self cancelling coils referenced on pg 383. Glen Rein article begins on pg 377: chapter 11: Modulation of Neurotransmitter Function by Quantum Fields



Natalia Shareyko, MD, PhD in US
(Prorector of the Institute of Biosensory Psychology, St. Petersburg, Russia.)
Teaching telekinesis on west coast of US Winter-Spring 2010

ABC15.com: Alien life already among us and hiding in plain sight?
Dr. Lynne Kitei on the Phoenix Lights, and Astrophysicist Paul Davies on alien microbes

Hybrids at hand: the problem of representing the heterotic superstring:
A review of the article Heterotic Superstring, fron the journal Nuclear Physics B, 1985

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UNIFIED THEORIES RL Amoroso, I. Dienes & Cs Varga