Kristopher Setchfield has provided an online critique of Masaru Emoto’s experimental procedures: Is Masaru Emoto for real? 




Masaru Emoto, PhD Author of the book The Hidden Messages in Water, featured in the movie What the Bleep Do We Know?. Emoto claims to have found that human thought has a direct observable effect on the structural formation of ice crystals,  and that, for example, placing signs on bottles of water that expressed human emotions and ideas actually effected the crystalline structure of  the water when frozen. Setchfield notes a  crucial lack of scientific foundation in Masaru’s work that prevents it from attracting interest by widely accepted and respected scientists. He concludes that if Masaru’s claims are true, then they will need to be proven by someone else, as Masaru is not interested in such proof.  Lynne McTaggart, in  The Intension Experiment, notes that Dean Radin was interested in the claims of Masaru Emoto that the structure of water crystals is effected by positive and negative emotions.  “Radin placed two vials of water in a shielded room in his laboratory at the Institute of Noetic Sciences in Petaaluma California. Meanwhle, a group of 2,000 attendees at one of Emoto’s conferences in Japan was shown a photo of the vials and asked to send them a prayer of gratitude. Radin then froze the water in those vials, as well as  samples of control water from the same source that had not been exposed to prayers, and showed the resulting crystals to a panel of independent volunteers.  He’d carefully blinded the study so that neither he nor his volunteers had any idea which crystals had been grown from the water samples that had been sent intention. A statistically significant number of volunteer judges concluded that water sent the positive intentions had formed the more aesthetically pleasing crystalline structure. P.184-185. note 21: Interview with Dean Radin May 3 2006.