Infinite Mind: Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness by Valerie Hunt Malibu Publishing Co, PO Box 4234, Malibu California 90265, 1996.

Health as an Active Flow of Information (on the Edge of Chaos) It is speculated that health is an active flow of complex information within the body, while illness is a breakdown of that flow.

In studies by Dr Valerie Hunt of UCLA, Three seconds of high frequency electromyographic data from human muscle was cross plotted with itself with one frame delay to form a strange attractor phase plane. The ovoid phase plane plot has undulating "crinkles" superimposed in it which reflects subtle organization, great complexity, and therefore great information content, at the "Edge of Chaos". Dr. Hunt stresses the importance of these complex, information rich signals for human health

This could explain why scientists have discovered that what appears to be chaotic behavior in the heart or brain is characteristic of health, whereas simple regular heartbeats, for example, presage a heart attack.

EMG Subharmonics of Chakra Subtle Energy

A study conducted by Dr. Valerie Hunt, at UCLA, used an electromyogram (EMG) to measure energy variations at the skin surface adjacent to the traditional chakra locations. The EMG, normally used to measure the electrical potential of muscles, recorded signals from this study in the range of 100 to 1600 hz. Normal brain wave frequency is between 0 and 100 cycles per second (hz); muscle frequency reaches about 225 hz; and the heart up to 250 hz. Because of the much higher frequency, these signals, alhough observed by other researchers, had been assumed to be noise and for that reason disregarded.

The original study was conducted to ascess the energetic results of a physical manipulation technique called rolfing on the subjects. Psychics observered the subject's aura at the same time the chakras were being electroniclly monitored.

Data recordings showed that specific time domain waveform amplitude and shape were consistently associated with aura readers calls of aura intensity and color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and white. A Fourier transform of waveforms from the time into the frequency domain showed a frequency/color sequence different from visible light, and at a much lower frequency than light. Further, auric white is associated with higher EMG frequency than other auric colors, while the frequency of white light is an average of the visible light colors.

Note: Low Blue is resting muscle
Approx EMG freq
Visible light
Aprox light freq
x 10 to power 15 hz
Low Blue 200 Red .7
Green 300 orange .75
Yellow 400 Yellow .8
Red 500 Green .85
Orange 600 Blue .9
High Blue 700 Indigo .95
Violet 800 Violet 1.0
Cream 1000
White 1100 up

Dr. Hunt has conjectured that the high frequency (1100 hz) level is a subharmonic of an original frequency signal which is in a range of thousands of hz: a subharmonic of the chakra's subtle energy.


Valerie Hunt:  Physiologist. One of the first researchers  to provide instrumented data from biofield activity. Dr. Hunt found that the human energy field may respond to external stimulation before the body is aware of it, and can reflect illness before it appears in the body. Energy field size decreases with exposure to positive ions, and increases with exposure to negative ions. Data recordings showed that specific time domain waveforms were consistently associated with aura readers calls of specific colors: Blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, and white. A strange attractor phase plane of biofield activity is provided. See Infinite Mind: Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness. Dr Hunt also discusses the energetic content of food. Note similarity of approach to  Hiroshi Motoyama. She is an advocate of the concept that health is an active flow of complex information within the body, while illness is a breakdown of that flow. She plotted three seconds of electromyographic data from human muscle cross plotted with it self with one frame delay to form a strange attractor phase plane. The ovoid phase plane has undulating “crinkles” superimposed on it which suggests subtly organization, great complexity, and therefore great information content, at the “Edge of Chaos.” Referenced by Barbara Ann Brennan.


Hiroshi Motoyama:  Head of the Institute for Life Physics, Tokyo, and the California Institute for Human Science, California. He is concerned with elucidating the nature of religious experience and the existence of 'subtle energies' using scientific methods. To aid in this he has built two machines: one to measure the 'Chi' energy in the meridians (the AMI machine) and another to measure the energy of the chakras or energy centres of the body (The Chakra instrument). The AMI instrument is in use in some American and many Japanese medical institutions as a diagnostic tool and for research into health and disease. Note: Valerie Hunt has also worked to measure subtle energies using scientific instrumentation. Has been able to measure low light levels  coming from people who have meditated for years.