Through his research, Fritz Albert Popp discovered that carcinogens absorb UV light at 380nm, and scramble it, so it is emitted at a different frequency. He also learned that photo repair works most efficiently at 380 nm. Popp deduced that carcinogens must somehow be linked to photo-repair. If so, this must mean that there is light in the body responsible for photo-repair. A carcinogen must cause cancer bcause it blocks and scrambles the light frequency used in photo repair.

Popp and his researchers discovered highly coherent photons in living systems. Coherence means that subatomic particles are linked; like tuning forks that all begin resonating together. Normally this level of coherence, called a Bose-Einstein candensate, is only observed in superfluids and superconductors, at temperatures close to absolute zero.

Popp found that molecules in cells would respond to certain frequencies and that a range of vibrations from the photons would cause a variety of frequencies in other molecules of the body. From experiment, Popp showed that one important source of biophoton emission was DNA.

Albert Popp et al have concluded that: The biophoton field is almost fully coherent and therefore strongly coupled to all physiological functions; It provides regulatory activity for every cell in the body; It displays all the biological rhythms of the body; The measurements of electric parameters of the skin provide a powerful tool for looking through the window of biological regulation; Regulatory activities of the body are not stable, but rather rhythmical; Powerful diagnostic and therapeutic tools can be developed.

how biophotons can regulate the body: the importance of amazing water
Researchers have found that water molecules have some role to play in organizing discordant energy into coherent photons; a process called superradiance

previous researchers: gurwich, burr, becker

the validity of biophoton research in the world scientific community

relative importance of biophoton research in the US and the world