Notes on Ervin Laszlo’s Science and the Akashic Field
Chapters 4 and 5
Chapter 4: Searching
for the Memory of the Universe
The universe manifests finely tuned correlations;
At the quantum level we have Bells’ proven theorem of non-locality;
Post-Darwinian evolutionary theory and quantum biology discover similar puzzling correlations;
In consciousness research are transpersonal connections;
All of these have the same explanation. Aside from matter and energy, there is also information in the universe. This information connects all things through time and space.
Tesla, Bohm, and Puthoff have surmised that interactions of mind and matter are mediated by a fundamental information field at the heart of the universe.
Tesla spoke of an “original medium” that fills space and compared it to Akasha, the light carrying ether.
In an unpublished 1907 paper “Man’s Greatest Achievement,” he wrote that this original medium, “a kind of force field, becomes matter when prana, cosmic energy, acts on it, and when the action ceases, matter vanishes and returns to Akasha.” Tesla said the curvature of space was not the answer. Most physicists adapted Einstein’s 4-D curved space time and rejected the idea of a space filling ether. Today that concept has been revived. Bohm, Puthoff and a few others recognize the important role of information, and recognize this information field is in the quantum vacuum.
Laszlo on the Quantum Vacuum:
More interactions between the QV and sensible world have come to light
In the 1960s, Paul Dirac showed that fluctuations in fields of material particles produces a polarization of the ZPF of the vacuum, whereby it in turn affects the particles mass, charge, spin, or angular momentum.
About the same time, Andrei Sakharov proposed that the slowing of clocks and shrinkage of lengths near the speed of light are the result of effects induced in the vacuum “due to the shielding of the ZPF by charged particles”.
In the 70s Paul Davis? And William Unrah hypothesized that uniform motion would not disturb the ZPF, whereas accelerated motion would produce a thermal radiation which would break the ZPF symmetry.
Macroscopic effects: Casimir force, lamb shift. Casimir force is a pushing together of the surfaces of two plates; the lamb shift is due to photons exchanging energy with the ZPF.
Puthoff, Haisch et al produced a theory according to which inertial and gravitational force as well as mass are consequences of the interaction of charged particles with the ZPF.
The stability of electrons orbiting atomic nuclei, as well as the planets revolving about the sun are due to energy from the ZPF; otherwise the atom would collapse, or the planets would fall into the sun.
Could the ZPF create the correlations we have observed above? It could be a superdense sea of information as well as energy. Puthoff on matter and the ZPF: “…we are literally ‘in touch’ with the rest of the cosmos…”
According to the Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell, based on his experiences in space, information and energy are the stuff of the universe. “The quantum vacuum, Mitchell said, is the holographic information mechanism that records the historical experience of matter.
[note: in this view the holograph records the information, but does not create the universe.]
How could the quantum vacuum convey the “historical experience of matter”?
The German physicist Hartmut Mueller has found that pressure waves may propagate through the ZPF, and claims that the observed dimensions of atom as well as galaxies is determined by pressure waves in the ZPF. These pressure waves may superimpose, creating standing waves. These waves determine physical interactions by setting the values of the electromagnetic, gravitational, weak and strong nuclear forces. By means of resonance they amplify some vibrations and suppress others, and are thus responsible for the distribution of matter through the universe.
Recent findings confirm the presence of pressure waves in the vacuum. Astronomers in NASA’s Chandra x-ray observatory discovered a wave generated by a super massive black hole located in the constellation Perseus.
The Russian physicists G.I. Shipov and A.E. Akimov et al proposed the “torsion wave “ theory, which has been elaborated upon by European and US scientists. This theory shows how the vacuum can link physical events through space time. The torsion waves act at one billion times the speed of light. Particles that have “spin” also have a specific magnetic momentum, which is registered in the vacuum in the form of minute vortices made up of virtual bosons. Hungarian Laszlo Gazdag has argued that these vortices carry information, much the same as magnetic impulses on tape or a computer disk. These vortices interact with each other to form interference patterns that integrate the strands of information. An analog is the sea and the way waves from objects in the sea interact. The persisting wave patterns are the memory of the objects that moved in the water.
The QV is a super dense superfluid, so is frictionless, so the information is preserved for all time. Superimposed vacuum interference patterns are nature’s holograms; they carry distributed information on all the particles and groups of particles in the universe, in a way analogous to a light hologram.
So, “ …the quantum vacuum generated a holographic field that is the memory of the universe.”
Chapter 5: Enter the Akashic Field
It makes sense to name the information field of the universe the “A-Field”, after the Indian philosophical concept of the Akashic Chronicle, the record of everything that has happened in the universe.
Flat Universe
Based on the results from a number of deep space studies, including the 1998 “Boomerang” project, the MAXIMA, DAIS and WMAP studies, it seems that the universe is flat. This means that there is exactly the critical density of matter in rhe universe such that the forces of expansion and contraction exactly balance one another;
The universe neither expands because there is not enough gravity mass, nor contracts
Because there is too much gravity mass. This means that the Big Bang that gave birth to the universe had to be very finely tuned.
Missing Mass
Current observations show that the matter density of the universe is less than that required for a flat universe. Visible matter is composed of protons and neutrons, called baryons. Visible matter wth Baryonic dark matter as well as non-baryonic dark matter (exotic particles such as axions, neutrinos with mass and WIMPS) still leaves 73 percent of the mass of the universe unaccounted for. This large quantity appears to be “dark energy,” likely due to the quantum vacuum. [a conjecture]
Accelerating expansion
The expansion of galaxies is actually speeding up. This contradicts the established fact that the universe is “flat.” Something must be pushing the galaxies apart.
Einstein’s cosmological constant represents a force of repulsion that precisely balances the attractive force of gravitation, thus keeping matter spread out. Einstein abandoned the cosmological constant in his equations, but this may have been pre-mature. Maybe there is a cosmological constant that pushes the cosmos apart rather than holding it together.
[cosmological fudge factor]
Cosmologists suspect the quantum vacuum “is” the source of this pushing apart [ again, conjecture; researchers have no other explanation, so it must be the QV]
“The assumption is not new: already in the 1960s, the physicist Yakov Zeldovich showed that vacuum energies act in precisely the ways presupposed in Einstein’s cosmological constant”. But the ZPF contains 10 120th too much energy to fit the cosmological constant, so some factor is fine tuning the cosmological constant.
Coherence of cosmic ratios
Even in the 1930s, Sir Aurthur Eddington and Paul Dirac noted some remarkable correspondences in the “dimensionless ratios” that relate the basic parameters of the universe, such as ratios of forces and ratio of sizes, masses and numbers of elementary particles, gravitational constant, charge of an electron, Plank’s constant and the speed of light.
The cosmic background microwave radiation is uniform in all spatial directions. According to Big Bang theory, it was emitted when the universe was about 400,000 years old. By that time light could have traveled only 400,000 light years, yet at that time the expanding universe was already ten million light years across. Author argues that this uniformity cannot be the result of physical linkages.
Fine tuning of physical constants
The basic parameters of the universe have exactly the value that allows complex structure to evolve. …The fine tuning involves upward of thirty factors and considerable accuracy.
Such factors include universe expansion rate, ratio of electromagnetic to gravitational force. Also important are the precise charge of electrons and protons, and mass of neutron and proton (this mass differs by twice the mass of an electron)
The field of physical cosmology is full of puzzles- anomalies the established theories cannot explain. Another theory is that the larger reality is the multiverse, which is the mother of our universe, as well as a vast number of other universes.
Quantum Physics
Superposed wave state
A quantum of light or energy may exhibit both particle and wave behavior until it is observed or measured, at which time it’s wave function collapses, resolving into a particle in the Newtonian sense.
Complementarity and uncertainty
Indeterminacy and randomness
Entanglement and non-locality:
Physicist David Bohm was among the first to refuse to accept the weird behavior of the quantum as a full description of reality. In his “hidden variables” theory, a pilot wave called the quantum potential “Q” emerges from a deeper, unobservable domain of the universe and guides the observed behavior of particles. Bohm later identified the deeper level as the “implicate order”, a holofield where all the states of the quantum are permanently coded. Observable reality emerges from this field by constant unfolding, in the “explicate order.”
According to Laszlo, various versions of Bohm’s theory are being developed today by theoretical physicists who are unwilling to accept the mathematical formalisms of quantum physics for and aequate explanation of the real world. They account for the behavior of the quanatum in reference to its interaction with a deeper dimension that has replaced the luminous ether of the 19th century:
[When even a single photon is emitted, a wave interface pattern builds up, as if each photon passes through both slits.]
Shahriar Afshar/Asfhar Iranian American physicist, demonstrated that even when the particle face is present, the interference pattern is still present. [July 2004 New Scientist] p.76 SAF. Afshar suggests, and some particle physicists agree, that the wave aspect of the particle is fundamental
Atoms, as well as elementary particles, can be nonlocally coorelated with each other, as well as with the apparatus through which they are measured.
Non-locality in the quantum world has been known for 50 years. In 1935 Erwin Schrodinger suggested that particles do not have individually defined quantum states, but occupy collective states.
A form of non local connection known as Teleportation exists not only between individual quanta, but also between entire atoms. P. 80.
Nonlocal interaction is instant “informational” interaction, and is best viewed as the action of a physically real information field: the A-field.
The instant, system wide coorelation of biological organisms cannot be produced solely by physical or even chemical intereactions among molecules, genes cells and organs.
Indian Satyendra Nath Bose discovered mathematically, that under some conditions, multiple "photons should be treated as identical particles"; that is, they are “coherent”. Einstein used his approach to find, mathematically, that at just above absolute zero, atoms would slow down to the same energy level. In this state the atoms would loose their individuality and look and behave like one giant atom. The effect is called the Bose Einstein condensate. Laszlo notes that Eric Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle, and Carl Wieman have verified that living tissue is a Bose Einstein condensate, for which they received the 2001 Nobel Prize p.84.
Quantum biologists can speak of a “macroscopic wave function” that applies to the organism as a whole. P. 85
The idea that random mutations and natural selection are the basic mechanism of evolution was introduced in 1859, long before the science of genetic biology had developed. ( identification of genes made up of strands of DNA, mapping of genomes, etc.) p. 86.
It is not enough for genetic mutations to produce a few positive changes in a species; they must produce all the changes of the new species.
Fred Hoyle has pointed out that life evolving purely by chance is about as likely as a hurricane blowing though a scrap yard producing a working airplane. P. 88.
In 1937, the biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky noted that the sudden origin of a new species by gene mutation might be impossible, yet he did not give up the Darwinian theory.
The assumption of sow and gradual evolution was contradicted in the 1970s by the finding of new fossils. These showed that the “missing links” that appear in the fossil record are not due to an incomplete record, but are true jumps in the course of evolution. P. 89.
Perhaps the organism is in some respects a quantum system. This idea is supported by evidence, as well as the fact that there is now a fledgling science of quantum biology.
Being a quantum system, it is linked to other organisms as well as the environment. They are linked through the information of the ZPF. P. 90.
The branches of consciousness use diverse methods, but come to similar conclusions. The human mind is not an isolated identity. The human mind is an “ecology” says Gregory Bateson. P. 91. Consiousness is not full possessed by the individual, but is present throughout society and perhaps all humanity. P. 91.
Gives examples of transpersonal and transcultural connections, as well as NDE and other altered states of consciousness. All are examples of non-local phenomena. A scientific explanation is now at hand: the “A-field” (ZPF). The A-field creates the human information pool that Carl Jung called the collective unconscious and that Teilhard de Chardon called the noosphere.
The A-field conveys information which is carried by superimposed vacuum wave interference patterns that are equivalent to holograms. We know that in a hologram every element meshes with isomorphic elements: with those that are similar to it. Such meshing is called “conjugation.”
String theorists offer an explanation for the fine tuning of the universe: Leonard Susskind suggests that the energy density of the vacuum varies from region to region.
The interference pattern of torsion waves create cosmic scale holograms of stars and star systems. These extend throughout the universe, and correlate its various parts. The A-field also effects organisms: the individual holograms of molecules and cells of an organism mesh with the hologram of the entire organism. This applies also to evolution: wherever the holograms penetrate, they bring with them information on the life forms that evolved in that region of the universe.