book_id title afirst alast publisher key1 key2 key3 year pages notes recom loc
1 37th Parallel: The Secet Truth Behind America's UFO Highway Ben Mezrich Atria: Simon & Schuster ufoab 2016 272 y y
2 A New Kind of Science Stephen Wolfram Wolfram Research compsi 2002 1192
3 A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Morphic Resonance Ruppert Sheldrake Park Street Press biology infonrg 1985 272
4 Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens John Mack Scribners ufoab 1994 464 y 6
5 Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Coverup Timothy Good William Morrow & Co ufoab govconsp 1988 590 k
6 Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind Yuval-Noah Harari Harper anthro socio metaphys 2015 443 S k
7 Age of Fracture Daniel Rodgers Belknap Press culture socio 2003 360
8 Alexanderia Project, the Stephen Schwartz Open Road Distributions archeo metapsyc artarchit 1983 304
9 Alien Agenda Jim Marrs Harper ufoab govconsp 1997 656 y y 4
10 Consciousness: A Brief Guide to the Fundamental Mysteries of the Mind Annaka Harris Harper Collins consciousness 2019 144 y y
11 Angels Don’t Play This HAARP:Advances in Tesla Technology Nick Begich Earthpulse Press military em-energy 1995 233 y s k
12 Light of the Stars: Alien Worlds and the Fate of the Earth Adam Frank Norton astrobiology 2018 272 y y unlocat
13 When the Impossible Happens: Adventures in Non-Ordinary Realities Stanislav Grof Sounds True psychology metapsyc 2006 400 y y
14 Anti-gravity Handbook: Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, NASA D-Hatcher Childress Publisher's Network alternative-science avispa 1993 191+ 4
15 Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 80s Marilyn Ferguson J.P.Tarcher  culture 1980 464 y y 1
16 UFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States of America 2001-2015 CherylCosta LindaMiller CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform ufoab statisics 2017 374 y
17 Biocircuits: Amazing New Tools for Energy Health Leslie Patten H J Kramer bioenergy 1988 227 y 1
18 Birth-Times A  Scientific Investigation Into the Secrets of Astrology Michel Gauquelin Hill and Wang, Farrar Straus &Gir astrology 1983 202 k
19 Black Hole War: My battle with Stephen Hawking to make the world Safe for quantum Mechanics Leonard Susskind Little Brown & Co. cosmology 2008 480
20 Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army Jeremy Scahill Nation Books military military 2007 480
21 Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life Robert-O Becker Quill Books, William Morrow and Co., Inc biology electromagnetism 1985 368 y y 1
22 Bomb: The Race to Buils-and Steal- the World's Most Dangerous Weapon Steve Sheinkin Roaring Book Press military quantump politics 2012 272 y y 4
23 Brilliant Darkness, A: The Extraordinary Life and Mysterious Disappearance of Ettore Majorana, ther Troubled Genius of the Nuclear Age Joao Magueijo Basic Books military 2009 306 3
24 Churches and Cathedrals: 1700 Years of Sacred Architecture Rolf Toman Paragon art-architecture 2011 256
25 Civilization: A Personal View Kenneth Clark Harper Row history art culture 1969 359 3
26 Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind C.D.B Bryan Penguin ufoab 1995 496 k
27 Code Book,  The: The Science of Secrecy From Ancient Egypt to quantum Cryptography Simon Singh Anchor cryptography 1999 432 3
28 Constructing Quarks: A Sociological History of Particle Physics Andrew Pickering University of Chicago Press culture history new-physics 1984 475 y y
29 Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge  Jeremy Narby Penguin Books anthropology consciousness biochem 2002 272 y y
30 Crash Detectives: Investigating the World's Most Mysterious Air Disasters  Christine Negroni Penguin aviation-space 2016 285 y k
31 Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Wspionage Clifford Stoll Bodley Head Pocket Books politics 1991 399
32 Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA Richard Hoagland Feral House aviation-space alternative-history 2007 616 6
33 Phase Change: The Computer Revolution in Science and Mathematics Douglas Robertson Oxford University Press compsci 2003 208 s k
34 Decoding Reality: The Universe as quantum Information   Vlatko Vedral Oxford University Press new-physics 2010 229 y
35 Deep State, The: Fall of the Constitution and Rise of the Shadow Government Mike Lofgren Penguin politics politics 2016 336 y
36 Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History Steven Greer Crossing Point ufoab 2001 573 6
37 Discovery of Magnetic Health: A Health Care Alternative George & Richard Hricak Washnis Nova Publishing  electromagnitism health 1993 346 y 7
38 DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biologyof Near-Death and Mystical Experiences Rick Strassman Park Street Press biochemistry consciousness spirituality 2000 358 y y 4
39 Dolphins: The Undersea Discoveries of Jacques-Yves Cousteau Jacques-Yves Cousteau  Doubleday other-intelligences dolphins 1975 304 4
40 Dreams of Earth and Sky Freeman Dyson New York Review Books ???? 2015 312 k
41 Drunkard's Walk, The: How Randomness Rules Over Our Lives Leonard Mlodinow Vintage mathematics 2009 252 3
42 Earth Lights Revelation: Ufo's and Mystery Lightform Phenomena The Earth's Secret Energy Force  Paul Devereux Stirling Press geography earth-energy 1990 256 s
43 Einstein's Masterwork: 1915 and the General Theory of Relativity John Gribbin Pegasus new-physics cosmology 2015 240
44 Elements, The: A Tour of the Periodic Table Adrian Dingle Metro chemistry 2017 224 1
45 End of Materialism (The) :How Evidence of the Paranormal Is Bringing Science and Spirit Together  Charles Tart New Harbinger culture 2009 416
46 Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in quantum Reality Dean Radin Paraview Pocket Books psychology metapsyc 2006 368 4
47 Evolutionaries: Unlocking the Spiritual and Cultural Potential of Science’s Greatest Idea Carter Phipps Harper culture evolution 2012 400 1
48 Exploring  Vibrational Medicine audio Tapes Richard Gerber Sounds True bioenergy health 2005 4Hr 24 Min
49 Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications Steven Greer Crossing Point ufoab 1999 544 k
50 Origin of inertia: HTML Link in NOTES James-F Woodward cosmology gravity 1998 6 y
51 Faust in Copenhagen: a Struggle for the Soul of Physics  Gino Segre Penguin cosmology quantump history 2007 310 y
52 Feynman's Rainbow: A Search for Beauty in Physics and in Life Leonard Mlodinow Vintage new-physics quantump 2003 192 y
53 Fingerprints of God: What Science Is Learning About the Brain and Spiritual Experience Barbara-Bradley Hagerty Riverhead books  spirituality science 2009 336 y 1
54 Forbidden Universe:  The Occult Origins of Science and the Search for the Mind of God  Lynn-Clive-Prince Picknett Constable and Robinson UK science history 2011 400 y y 6
55 Into the Gray Zone: A Neuroscientist Explores the Mysteries of the Brain and the Border Between Life and Death Adrian Owen Scribners neuroscience consciousness 2017 304 s k
56 Moonstruck: How Lunar Cycles Affect Life Ernest Naylor Oxford University Press astronomy physiology psychology 2015 229 5
57 Ghosts of the Air: True Stories of Aerial Hauntings Martin Caidin Barnes & Noble  aviation-space history paranormal 2007 288 y 4
58 Glimpses Of Eternity: Sharing A Loved One’s Passage From This Life to the Next. Raymond Moody Guideposts near-death-studies 2011 192
59 Gnostics: History Tradition Scriptures Influence Andrew-Phillip Smith Watkins spirituality history 2008 256 y
60 Gods, Graves, and Scholars: Thre Story of Archeology C.W. Ceram Bantam archeology history 1967 515 3
61 Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field Barbara-Ann Brennan Bantam bioenergy health 1997 320 y 1
62 Road to Relativity: The History and Meaning of Einstein’s “The Foundation of General Relativity Hanoch Gutfreund Princeton University Press cosmology 2015 237 5
63 Health and Light John Ott Pocket Books electromagnitism health 1988 232 y 5
64 Unsolved: History and Mystery of the World's Greatest Ciphers From Ancient Egypt to Online Secret Societies Craig-P Bauer Princeton University Press cryptology 2017 624
65 Archetypal Cosmos: Rediscovering the Gods in Myth, Science, and Astrology Keiron LeGrice Floris Books astrology 2010 328
66 Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes (The) Ken Wilber Shambhala quest-for-reality 1982 305 1
67 Holographic Universe: The Revolunary Theory of Reality Michael Talbot Harper quest-for-reality 1991 338 1
68 How the Hippies Saved Physics: Science, Counterculture, and the quantum Revival David Kaiser Norton new-physics quantumpp history 2011 416 4
69 Hunt For Life on Mars (The) Donald Goldsmith Dutton astrobiology 1998 288 4
70 In Montmartre:Picasso, Matisse and the Birth of Modernist Art Sue Roe Penguin culture history art 2014 384 k
71 Infinite Mind: Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness Valeri Hunt Malibu Pub.  bioenergy 1996 360 y 4
72 Infinite Resource: Thr Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet Ramez Naam University Press of New England climate sustain 2013 364 s k
73 Future of the Body : Explorations Into the Further Evolution of Human Nature Michael Murphy Tarcher Putnam culture evolution 1992 785 k
74 Invisible College: What a Group of Scientists Has Discovered about UFO Influence on the Human Race Jacques Vallee Anomalous Books ufoab 1975 232 S k
75 Ion Effect, Revolutionary Discoveries Reveal That Electrically Charged Particles in the Air May Control Your Moods, Health, and Sense of Well-Being Fred Soyka Bantam chemistry health 1977 163
76 Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century Edward Kelly Rowman & Littlefield consciousness 2007 832 1
77 Jet Age: The Comet, the 707, and the Race to Shrink the World Sam-Howe Verhovek Avery aviation-space 2010 272 5
78 Keys to Egypt, The: The Race to Crack the Hieroglyph Code  Lesley-and-Roy Adkins Perennial history 2000 333 3
79 Labyrinths of Reason: Paradox, Puzzles and the Frailty of Knowledge William Poundstone Anchor ???? 1988 288 k
80 Language of God Francis-S Collins Free Press science-spirituality 2007 305 pb y 6
81 Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA Tim Weiner Anchor spy-history 2007 848
82 Life After Death: The Burden of Proof  Deepac Chopra J.P.Tarcher  death-studies 1980 304 1
83 Light Between Us: Stories From Heaven. Lessons for the Living Laura-Lynn Jackson Spiegel & Grau Dial Press spirituality 2015 265 5
84 Listening to Whales: What the Orcas Have Taught Us Alexandra Morton Ballentine other-intelligences dolphins 2002 336 s y k
85 Lost in Space: The Fall of NASA and the Dream of a New Space Age Greg Klerkx Vintage criticism NASA 2004 432 k
86 Making Contact: Jill Tarter and the Search For E T Intelligence Sarah Scoles Pegasus Books SETI 2017 273
87 Man Who Changed Everything: The Life of James Clerk Maxwell Basil Mahon Wiley biography 2004 256 4
88 Margins of Reality Robert-Brenda-Dunne Jahn Harcourt Brace & Co intentionality 1987 432 s 4
89 Power of Different: The Link Between Disorder and Genius Gail Saltz Flatiron Books neuroscience 2017 247 s k
90 Math in 100 Key Breakthroughs Richard Elwes Quercus mathematics history 2013 416 k
91 Mind of God, The Scientific Basis for a Rational World Paul Davies Touchstone science-spirituality 1992 256 k
92 Mirage Men: An Adventure into Paranoia, Espionage, Psychological Warfare, and UFOs Mark Pilkington Skyhorse Publishing ufoab 2010 352
93 Molecules of Emotion Candice Pert Touchstone  biochemistry 1993 368
94 A New Science of Life Revised: Morphic Resonance: The Nature of Formative Causation Rupert Sheldrake Park Street Press biology 1976 352
95 Murder of King Tut. The Plot to Kikk the Child King: A Non-fiction Thriller James-Martin-Dugard Patterson Little, Brown ancient history 2009 332 3
96 Pale Horse Rider: William Cooper, the Rise of Conspiracy, and the Fall of Trust in America Mark Jacobson Blue Rider Press culture 2018 384
97 Hunting Marfa Lights James Bunnell Lacey Publishing, Texas ufoab 2009 311
98 New Physics and the Mind Robert Paster Book Surge new-physics consciousness 2006 324 1
99 No god but God: (Updated Edition) The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam Reza Aslan Random House culture history 2011 384 s
100 Northern Lights, The True Story of the man Who Unlocked the Secrets of the Aurora Borealis Lucy Jago Alfred- A. Knopf history-of-science 2001 297 s 3
101 Of Orcas and Men: What Killer Whales Can Teach Us David Neiwert Abrams other-intelligences whales-dolphins 2015 320 k
102 Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids Robert Bauval Broadway Books alternative-science 1994 325 3
103 Out There: The Government's Secret Quest for Extraterrestrials Howard Blum Simon & Schuster ufoab 1990 300 6
104 Paradigm Wars: Worldviews for a New Age   Mark Woodhouse Frog Books worldviews 1996 648
105 Paranormal Equation: A New Scientific Pers[ective on Remote Viewing, Clairvoyance, and Other  Inexplicable Phenomena James Stein New Page criticism 2013 250
106 Particle Zoo: Search for the Fundamental Nature of Reality Gavin Hesketh Quercus partical-physics 2016 336 4
107 Phenomena: The Secret History of the US Government's Investigations into Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis Annie Jacobsen little, Brown paranormal military 2017 554 y 3
108 Philosophers'Stone:Chaos, Synchronicity and the Hidden Order of the World F.David Peat Bantam complexity-science synchronicity 1991 244 4
109 Philosophers Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter Joseph-P Farrel Feral House ???? 2009 360 3
110 Philosophy of Science: The Central Issues Martin-J.A.Cover Curd Norton philosophy-of-science 1998 1424 3
111 Places of Power: Measuring the Secret Energy of Ancient Sites: Second Edition Paul Devereux Blandford press  earth-energy 1990 224
112 Poincare Conjecture: The Search of the Shape of the Universe Donal O'Shea Walke Publishing mathematics history 2007 292 3
113 Power of Myth, The Joseph Campbell Knopf Doubleday mythology 1988 320
114 Presence of Other Worlds (The) Wilson VanDusen Swedenborg Foundation other-intelligences 1996 256 4
115 Synchronicity: The Bridge Between Mind and Matter F.David Peat Bantam synchronicity 1987 256 1
116 Psychic Exploration:  Devises for Monitoring Non Physical Energies William Tiller Cosimo Books subtle-energy 2009 51
117 Puzzle Palace: Inside the National Security Agency America's Most Secret Intelligence Organization james Bamford Penguin spy-history 1982 656 s 3
118 quantum Challenge: Modern Research on the Foundations of quantum Mechanics Second Edition George Greenstein Jones and Bartlett new-physics 1997 218
119 Reality Denied: Firsthand Experiences With Things that Can't Happen But Did John-B Alexander Anomalous Books paranormal 2017 318 ????
120 Revelations: Alien Contact and Human Deception Jacques Vallee Ballentine ufoab 1991 273
121 Right Stuff, The Revised Edition Tom Wolfe Picador culture 1979 352 3
122 Ripples in Spacetime: Einstein, Gravitational Waves, and the Future of Astronomy Govert Schilling  Belknap: Harvard University Press cosmology 2017 352
123 Rosicrucian Enlightenment The Francis Yates Barnes & Noble  history-of-science 1972 320 y 6
124 Rogue State: A Guide to the World's only Superpower William Blum Common Courage Press ???? 2000 393
125 Roswell Dig Diaries, The William-H Doleman Gallery Bpks ufoab 2004 304 1
126 Roswell: Inconvenient Facts and the Will to Believe Karl-T Pflock Prometheus Books  ufoab criticism 2001 331 1
127 Acorns: Windows High-Tide Foghat Volume 1 Joshua Morris iUniverse, Inc Bloomington ???? 2013 972
128 Secret Life of Plants The: A fascinating account of the physical, emotional, and spiritual relations between plants and man Peter-Christopher-Bird Tompkins Avon other-intelligences plants 1974 416 1
129 Secret Life of Your Cells Robert Stone Schiffer other-intelligences cellular consciousness 1997 196 1
130 Secrets of Ancient and Sacred Places Paul Devereux Blandford press  earth-energy 1992 192
131 Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion: Tesla, UFOs, and Classified Aerospace Technology Paul-A LaViolette Bear & Co. alternative-physics gravity propulsion 2008 512 y y k
132 Seven Ages of Paris Alistair Horne Vintage history culture 2002 496 k
133 Skunk Works Ben Rich Little, Brown aviation-space 1994 400 4
134 Some Science Adventures With Real Magic William Tiller Pavior Publishing NY  subtle-energy 2005 276 1
135 Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations behind the 2012 Prophecies David Wilcock Dutton alternative-science 2011 536 k
136 Space Time Structure: Cambridge Science Classics Erwin Schrodinger Cambridge uUniversity Press cosmology 1985 119
137 Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife Mary Roach Norton paranormal 2006 311
138 Star Warriors: The Young Scientists Who Are Inventing the Weaponry of Space William-J Broad Simon & Schuster military 1985 236 3
139 Subtle Energy John Davidson CW Daniel Co subtle-energy 1987 287
140 Surviving Death: A Journalist Investigates  Evidence for an Afterlife Leslie Kean Three Rivers death-studies 2017 395 s 4
141 Teller's War: The Top Secret Story Behind the Star Wars Deception William-J Broad Simon & Schuster military 1992 350
142 Ancestor Syndrome: Transgenerational Psychotherapy and the Hidden  Links in the Family Anne-Ancelin Schutzenberger Routeledge biology 1968 224
143 Day After Roswell: A Former Pentagon Official Reveals the US Government's Shocking UFOmCoverup Philip-William-Birnes Corso Pocket Books ufoab 1997 396 3
144 Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe  Lynn McTaggart Harper Perennial quest-for-reality 2008 290 3
145 Intention Experiment: Use Your Thoughts to Change the World Lynn McTaggart Harper Element intentionality 2008 336
146 Web of Life John Davidson CW Daniel Co ???? 1988 408 2
147 Lost Tomb: This is His Incredible Story of KV 5 and its Excavation Kent-R Weeks William Morrow & Co archeology ancient history 1998 330 3
148 Sacred Promise, the Gary Schwartz Atrea Books subtle-energy 2011 368
149 Perfect Theory: A Century of Geniuses and the Battle over General Relativity Pedro Ferreira Houghton Mifflin cosmology 2014 320 1
150 Science Delusion: Freeing the Spirit of Inquiry Ruppert Sheldrake Coronet biology 2013 448
151 Super Natural: A New Vision of the Unexplained Whitley-Jeffery-Kripal Strieber Tarcher ufoab 2016 384
152 Three Pound Universe: Revolutionary Discoveries About the Brain -From Chemistry or the Mind to the New Frontiers of the Soul Judity Hooper Tarcher neuroscience 2013 410 s k
153 Secret of the Creative Vacuum: Man and the Energy Dance John Davidson CW Daniel Co ???? 1989 427 2
154 Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World Iain McGilchrist Yale University Press neuroscience 2009 588 s k
155 Theory of Brain Function, quantum Mechanics, and Superstrings : arXiv PDF DV Nanopoulos Cornell University consciousness 1995 72
156 Theory That Would Not Die: How Bayes' Rule Cracked the Enigma Code, Hunted Down Russian Submarines, and Emerged Triumphant from two Centuries of Controversy Sharon Mcgrayne Yale University Press mathematics 2011 335 s k
157 Third Culture: Beyond the Scientific Revolution John Brockman Touchstone culture 1995 416 k
158 Tides of Mind: Uncovering the Spectrum of Consciousness David Gelernter Liveright Publishing conscious 2016 320 3
159 Time Travel: A History James Gleick Panthon Books guest-for-reality time 2016 352 3
160 To Enginneer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design Henry Petroski Vintage ???? 1982 272 4
161 Trouble With Physics: The Rise of String Theory, and the Fall of a Science and What Comes Next Lee Smolin Houghton Mifflin grand-unified-theories 2006 416 4
162 UFO Verdict:Examining the Evidence Robert Sheaffer Prometheus Books  ufoab 1986 242 6
163 UFOs and the National Security State: The Coverup Exposed 1973-1991 Richard-M Dolan Keyhole ufoab 2009 656 s 3
164 UFOs Today: 70 Years of Lies, Misinformation, and Coverup: Kindle Edition Irena-McCammon Scott MUFON books ufoab 2017 437
165 UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On the Record Leslie Kean Three Rivers ufoab 2010 352 4
166 Science, Order, and Creativity David-F.David-Peat Bohm Bantam quest-for-reality complexity-theory 1987 280 s k
167 UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities John-B Alexander Griffins St Martins ufoab 2011 350 s 4
168 Unacknowledged: An Expose of the World's Greatest Secret Steven Greer A&M Pub  ufoab 2017 326 s 4
169 Cosmic Conversations: Dialogs on the Nature of the Universe and the Search for Reality Stephen Martin New Page cosmology 2010 286 2
170 Unbelievable: Investigations into Ghosts, Poltergeists, Telapathy, and Other Unseen Phenomena, from the Duke Parapsychological Laboratory Stacy Horne Harper Collins parapsycology 2009 304 unlocated
171 Under a Green Sky: Global Warming, the Mass Extinctions of the Past, and What They Can Tell Us About Our Future Peter-D Ward Harper Collins Climate 2007 256 3
172 Unmasking The Enemy:  Visions Around the World and Global Deception in the End Times Nelson-Tommy-Blann Pacheco Bendan Press ufoab christian 1993 437 3
173 Unseen Cosmos; The Universe in Radio Francis Graham-Smith Oxford University Press radioastronomy 2013 256
174 Vibrational Medicine: New Choices for Healing Ourselves: First Edition Richard Gerber Bear & Co. bioenergy health metapsyc 1988 558 s k
175 Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk Peter Bernstein Wiley & Sons mathematics probability 1996 383 2
176 Waiting For Contact: The Search for Extratrrestrial Intelligence Lawrence Squeri University Press of Florida SETI 2016 208 1
177 Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy Cathy O'Neil Broadway Books compsci 2016 220 3
178 Wheels of Light: Chakras, Auras, and the Healing Energy of the Body Rosalyn Bruyere Fireside psychics bionrg 1994 288 5
179 Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the Government's Biggest Cover-up Thomas-Donald-Schmitt Carey New Page Books: Weiser  ufoab govconsp 2009 318
180 Cosmic Game:Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness Stanislav Grof State University of New York psychology psychotherapy 1998 285 k
181 Goldilocks Enigma: Why Is the Universe Just Right for Life? Paul Davies Houghton Mifflin cosmology astrobiology 2006 315 k
182 Pleased to Meet Me Bill Sullivan National Geographic quest-to-understand-humanity 2019 335 s k
183 Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America Annie Jacobsen Back Bay Books military 2014 581 2
184 Quantum Mechanics and Experience David-Z Albert Harvard University Press new-physics 1992 206 k
185 God Problem: How a Goddless Cosmos Creates Howard Bloom Promethius materialism 2012 708 k
186 End of Time: The Next Revolution in Physics Julian Barbour Oxford University Press quest-for-reality 1999 371 k
187 Universe Within: The Deep History of the Human Body  Neil Shubin Vintage astrobiology 2013 225 s 2
188 Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? Jim Marrs Harper Collins alternative-history 2013 382 k
189 Emperors New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics Roger Penrose Penguin cosciousness 1989 466 s k
190 Fuzzy Thinking: The New Science of Fuzzy Logic Bart Kosko Hyperion mathematics 1993 318 2
191 The Elegant Universe: Superstings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory Brian Greene Norton cosmology 1999 448 2
192 Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos Brian Greene Alfred- A Knopf cosmology 2011 370 2
193 Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The Thomas-S Kuhn University of Chicago Press culture new-physics 1962 210
194 Accessory to War: The Unspoken Alliance Between Astrophysics and the Military Neil-deGrasse Tyson Norton astrophys military 2018 576
195 Equation That Couldn't Be Solved: How Mathematical Genius Discovered the Language of Symmetry Mario Livio Simon & Schuster mathematics 2005 353 k
196 Stargate Conspiracy: Revealing the Truth Behind Extraterrestrial Contact, Military Intelligence, and the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt Lynn-Clive-Prince Picknett Sphere culture culture 1999 445 s k
197 Echos of the Ancient Skies: The Astronomy of Lost Civilizations Edwin-C Krupp Harper & Row archeology astronomy 1983 386 3
198 Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science Alan-Jean-Bricmont Sokal Picador criticism 1998 300 3
199 Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of History Howard Bloom Atlantic Monthly Press ???? 1995 466 k
200 Reincarnation: A Critical Examination Paul Edwards Promethius occult 1996 313 2
201 God: A Human History Reza Aslan Random House culture history 2017 298 s
202 Math Book: From Pythagoras to the 57th Dimension: 250 Milestones in the History of Mathematics Clifford Pickover Sterling mathematics history 2009 527 k
203 Proving God: Swedenborg's Remarkable Quest for the quantum Fingerprints of Love Edward Sylvia Staircase Press science-spirituality intelligent-design 2009 399 s 2
204 Mathematical Experience, The Philip- Reuben-Hersh Davis Houghton Mifflin mathematics 1981 440 2
205 Measuring Energy Fields: State of the Science Konstantin Korotkov Backbone Publishing bioenergy 2004 276 s 2
206 Human Energy Field: Study With GDV Bioelectrography Konstantin Korotkov Backbone Publishing bioenergy 2002 348 2
207 Light Emerging: The Journey of Personal Healing Barbara-Ann Brennan Bantam bioenergy 1993 341 2
208 Light: Medicine of the Future Jacob Liberman Bear & Co. electromagnitism 1991 251 2
209 Ecopsychology: Restoring  the Earth: Healing the Mind Theodore Roszak Sierra Club Books ecology 1982 338 s 2
210 Dolphins and Their Power to Heal Amanda-Karena-Callen Cochrane Healing Arts  Press other-intelligences dolphins health 1992 182 k
211 Life Force: The Psycho-Historical Recovery of the Self Jean Houston Quest Books ???? 1993 303 2
212 Evolution Explosion: How Humans Cause Rapid Evolutionary Change Stephen Palumbi Norton human evolution 2001 277 k
213 Spiritual Doorway to the Brain: A Neurologist's Search for the God Experience Kevin Nelson Dutton neuroscience 2011 236 s k
214 Sixth Extinction: Patterns of Life and the Future of Mankind Richard Leakey Anchor patterns-of life 1995 271 s k
215 Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions Lisa Randall Harper cosmology hidden dimensions 2005 500 k
216 Final Theory: Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy Mark McCutcheon Universal Publishers quest-for-reality 2002 417 k
217 United States of Paranoia: A conspiracy Theory Jesse Walker Harper culture 2013 447 s k
218 Perfect Symmetry: The Search for the Beginning of Time Heinz Pagels Bantam cosmology 1985 390 1
219 Dreams of Reason: The Computer and the Rise of the Sciences of Complexity Heinz Pagels Bantam mathematics complexity-theory 1989 352 2
220 quantum Reality: Beyond the New Physics Nick Herbert anchor quest-for-reality 1985 255
221 Tesla: Man out of Time Margaret Cheney Simon & Schuster biography tesla 1981 396 2
222 Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla: Biography of a Genius Marc Seifer Citadel Press biography tesla 1998 542 find  y 1
223 Cosmic Code: quantum Physics as the Language of Nature Heinz Pagels Bantam quest-for-reality 1982 333 find  2
224 Particle Garden: Our Universe as Understood by Particle Physicists Gordon Kane Perseus Books partical-physics 1995 224 2
225 Superforce: The Search for a Grand Unified Theory of nature Paul Davies Simon & Schuster grand-unified-theories 1984 255 find k
226 Turning Point: Science, Society, and the Rising Culture Fritjof Capra Bantam patterns-of life culture 1982 464 find  2
227 Cosmosapiens: Human Evolution from the Origin of the Universe John Hands Overlook Duckworth history evolution 2015 674 k
228 Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age Gregg Braden Hay House alternative-science 2009 252 2
229 Elemental Mind: Human Consciousness and the New Physics Nick Herbert Penguin consciousness 1993 308 s
230 Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy William-Neil-Howe Strauss Broadway Books culture 1997 382 find  1
231 Quest for Zero Point Energy: Engineering Principles for "Free Energy" Moray King Adventures Unlimited Press alternative-science 2001 218 s 2
232 Quantun Mechanics and Path Integrals Richard-P-Albert-R-Hibbs Feynman Dover new-physics 2005 367 2
233 Tao of Physics Fritjof Capra Bantam science-spirituality 1975 332 k
234 Templar Revolution: Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ Lynn-Clive-Prince Picknett Simon & Schuster history 1997 432 2
235 Conscious Experience Thomas Metzinger Allen Press Kansas consciousness 1995 564 3
236 Earth Memory: Sacred Sites: Doorways into Earth's Mysteries Paul Devereux Llwellyn Publications earth-energy 1992 320 k
237 Zen Physics: The Science of Death, The Logic of Reincarnation David Darling Harper Collins ???? 1996 205 s k
238 No One Cares About Crazy People Ron Powers Hachette Books neuroscience 2017 360 s k
239 Total Skywatcher's Manual: 275 Skills and Tricks for Exploring Stars, Planets & Beyond Linda Shore Weldon Owen astronomy 2015 300+ k
240 Napoleon's Buttons: 17 Molecules That Changed History Penny-Jay-Burreson Le Couteur Penguin chemistry history 2004 375 3
241 Fourier Analysis and its Applications Gerald-B Folland Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole mathematics transforms-functions fourier 1992 432 s k
242 Designers and Test Pilots Richard-P  Hallion Time-Life-Books aviation-space history 1985 176 4
243 Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe Roger Penrose Alfred-A-Knopf quest-for-reality 2004 1099 s k
244 Radio Astronomy 2nd Ed John-D Kraus Cygnus-Quasar radioastronomy technical 1986 12 chap s y k
245 Hinges of History: Vol 4:Sailing The Wine-Dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter Thomas Cahill Random House history archeo 2003 304 3
246 Hinges of History: Vol 1:How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story Thomas Cahill Random House history archeo 1995 246 y
247 God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired Into Our Genes Dean Hamer Anchor neuroscience 2004 241 k
248 Light Beyond: New Explorations by the Author of Life After Life Raymond-A Moody Bantam death-studies 1988 k
249 Reaching for the Invisible God: What Can We Expect to Find? Philip Yancy Zondervan Publishing ???? 2000 301 k
250 Transducing the Genome: Information, Anarchy, and Revolution in the Biomedical Sciences  Gary Zweiger McGraw-Hill genetics 2001 269 k
251 Junk DNA: A Journey Through the Dark Matter of the Genome Nessa Carey Icon Books genetics 2015 340 s k
252 Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters Matt Ridley Perennial genetics 1999 344 k
253 Aldous Huxley's Hands: The Quest for Perception and the Origin and Return of Pyschedelic Experience Allene  Symons Promethius psychedelics biography 2015 304 s k
254 Yeager: An Autobiography General-Chuck Yeager Bantam biography avispa 1985 435 4
255 Chaos: Making a New Science James Gleick Penguine chaos 1987 352 y? y 4
256 Virtual Medicine Keith Scott-Mumby Thorsons bionrg health 1999 260 4
257 Zealot Reza Aslan Random House culture history 2013 296 s y 4
258 Lost Discoveries: The Ancient Roots of Modern Science Dick Teresi Simon & Schuster science history 2002 453 4
259 Power of Place & Human Environment James-A Swan Quest Books anthology earthnrg 1991 363 4
260 Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos Mitchell  Waldrop Simon & Schuster chaos 1992 380 check y 4
261 Turbulent Mirror: An Illustrated Guide to Chaos Theory and the Science of Wholeness John-F.David-Peat Briggs Perennial chaos 1990 222 4
262 Into the Bermuda Triangle Gian-J Quasar McGraw-Hill occult geography 2005 294 4
263 Maps of Consciousness Ralph Metzner Collier occult consciousness 1971 160 4
264 Tao of Bioenergetics: East-West George-A Katchmer Quality Books bionrg history 1993 228 4
265 Beginnings, Blunders and Breakthroughs in Science Surendra Verma MJF Books science history 2007 209 4
266 Age of Entanglement: When quantum Physics was Reborn Louisa Gilder Alfred- A Knopf quantump history 2008 443 k
267 Revolutionaries of the Cosmos I.S. Glass Oxford University Press cosmology history 2006 318 4
268 Mysticism and the New Physics Michael Talbot Penguin mysticism quantump 1993 185 4
269 Sleepwalkers, The Arthur Koestler Grosset&Dunlap astronomy history classic 1959 624 4
270 Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos: The Story of the Scientific Quest for the Secret of the Universe Dennis Overbye Perennial astronomy cosmology biography 1992 437 4
271 Apprentices of Wonder: Inside the Neural Network Revolution William-F Allman Bantam compsci neuralnets 1989 211 4
272 Dolphins & Angels: Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences Timothy Wyllie Bear & Co. other-intelligences dolphins 1992 223 k
273 Infinitesimal: How a Dangerous Mathematical Theory Shaped the Modern World Amir Alexander Scientific-American math history 2014 352 k
274 Ghost Hunters: William James and the Search for Scientific Proof of Life After Death Deborah Blum Penguin psychics 2006 370 5
275 The Other Side and Back: A Psychic's Guide to Our World and Beyond Sylvia Browne Dutton psychics 1999 279 k
276 Ends of the World: Volcanic Apocalypses, Lethal Oceans, and Our Quest to Understand Earth's Past Mass Extinctions Peter  Brannen Harper-Collins extinctions climate 2017 322 s
277 Civilization of Ancient Crete R.F. Willetts Barnes & Noble  history culture 1976 279 s k
278 Rainbow and the Worm: The Physics of Organisms: 2nd Ed Mae-Wan Ho World Scientific physiology biology 2002 282 k
279 Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Mystic of the Atom Graham Farmelo Basic Books biography math quantump 2009 539 k
280 Social Conquest of the Earth Edward-O Wilson Norton ecology evolution 2012 330 k
281 Black Holes & Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy Kip-S Thorne Norton cosmology 1994 619 k
282 Fantasyland: How America Wenr Haywire: A 500 Year History Kurt Anderson Random House culture history 2017 462 k
283 Molecules at an Exhibition: The Science of Everyday Life John Emsley Oxford University Press culture chemistry 1998 250 5
284 Prime Number Conspiracy Thomas Lin-editor Quanta Magazine mathematics anthology 2018 309 s k
285 World of the Egyptians Jacques Champollion Minerva images amcient history 1989 96 k
286 Intervention: How Humanity From the Future Has Changed Its Own Past Alan Butler Watkins alternative history culture 2012 197 s k
287 Dark Side of the Moon: The Magnificent Madness of the American Lunar Quest Gerard DeGroot Vintage criticism NASA 2008 320 k
288 Nemesis Affair: A Story of the Death ofDinosaurs and the Ways of Science David-M Raup Norton culture 1999 228 5
289 Beyond the Wild Blue: A History of the Air Force 1947-1997 Walter-J Boyne St Martins history military 1997 442 k
290 Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America Erik Larson Vintage culture history 2003 447 k
291 Millennium Problems: The Seven Greatest Unsolved Mathematical Puzzles of Our Time Keith Devlin Granta math history 2004 237 s k
292 Glyph-Breaker Steven-Roger Fischer Springer-Verlag cryptography history 1997 234 k
293 Chasing Venus: The Race to Measure the Heavens Andrea Wulf Alfrea-A-Knopf history astronomy 2012 304 5
294 Six Not So Easy Pieces Richard-P Feynman Basic Books cosmology lectures 1997 152 s k
295 To Heaven and Back: A Doctor's Extraordinary Account of Her Death, Heaven, Angels, and Life Again Mary-C Neal Waterbrook death-studies 2012 222 5
296 Cosmic Horizons: Astronomy at the Cutting Edge Steven-Neil deGrasse-Tyson Soter-Editor New Press astronomy anthology 2001 255 5
297 Journey Through Genius; The Great Theorems of Mathematics William Dunham John-Wiley history mathematics 1990 300 k
298 100 Places You Will Never Visit: The World's Most Secret Locations Daniel Smith Quercus geography history culture 2012 255 5
299 Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla David-Hatcher Childress Adventures Unlimited Press history emnrg 2009 351 5
300 Land of Room Enough and Time Enough Richard-E Klinck Peregrine Books geography southwest 1984 136 k
301 Way of Qigong: The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing Kenneth-S Cohen Ballentine Books bionrg healing spirituality 1997 427 5
302 What the Bleep Do We Know William-Betsy-Chasse Arntz Health Communications Inc alternative science spirituality 2005 274 5
303 Light Years Ahead: The Illustrated Guide to Full Spectrum and Colored Light in Mindbody Healing  Brian-J Breiling Celestial Arts light anthology health 1996 424 ovr 5
304 Mandala Jose-and-Miriam Arguelles Shambhala mysticism mythology spirituality 1972 140 ovr 5
305 New Mind, New Body: Bio-Feedback: New Directions for the Mind Barbara-B  Brown  Bantam physiology psychology health 1974 523 pb
306 Future Science: Life Energies and the Physics of Paranormal Phenomena John-Stanley-Krippner White Anchor bionrg paranormal occult 1977 598 pb k
307 Pyschic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain Sheila-Lynn-Schroeder Ostrander Bantam psychics paranormal occult 1973 457 pb 5
308 Rhythms of Vision Lawrence Blair Warner Books paranormal 1975 320 pb 5
309 Dictionary of Classical Mythology J.E. Zimmerman Bantam mythology history 1964 300 pb 5
310 Power Shift: Knowledge, Wealth, and Violence of the 21st Century Alvin Toffler Bantam culture history 1990 611 pb k
311 Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness Itzhak Bentov Bantam quest-for-reality 1977 233 pb 5
312 Healing With Magnets Gary Null Carrol & Graf emnrg health 1998 224 pb 5
313 Information, The James  Gleick Panthon Books information physics 2011 527 s
314 Global Mind Change: The Promise of the 21st CenturySecond Ed Willis Harman Berrett-Koehler culture 1998 208 pb ??? 5
315 Psychic Discoveries: Iron Curtain Lifted Sheila-Lynn-Schroeder Ostrander Marlowe & Co paranormal 1997 428 pb s 5
316 Forbidden Science: From Ancient Technologies to Free Energy Douglas  Kenyon, Ed Bear & Co. paranormal anthology 2008 310 pb k
317 Alternative Science: Challenging the Myths of the Scientific Establishment Richard  Milton Park Street Press alternative science 1994 264 pb 5
318 Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine Deepac Chopra Bantam mind/body healing 1989 278 pb y 5
319 Emergence of the Divine Child Rick Phillips Bear & Co. psychology spirituality 1990 175 pb 5
320 Mythic Image, The Joseph Campbell Princeton University Press mythology images 1974 552 pb k
321 Man and His Symbols Carl-G Jung-Ed Dell psychology images 1964 413 pb 5
322 Superstrings and the Search for The Theory of Everything F-David Peat Contemporary Books new-physics 1989 362 pb 5
323 div grad curl and all that: an informal text on vector calculus: 2nd Ed H.M. Schey Norton math calculus 1992 163 pb k
324 Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Dead Frank-J Tipler Anchor alternative science 1994 527 pb 5
325 Healing Research, Volume ll: Consciousness Bioenergy and Healing Daniel-J Benor Wholistic Healing Publications bionrg consciousness healing 2004 701 pb 5
326 Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People Are Changing the World Paul-H-and-Sherry-Ruth-Anderson Ray Three Rivers culture consciousness 2000 370 pb 5
327 Mysterious World: An Atlas of the Unexplained Francis Hitching Holt, Rinehart, and Winston paranormal 1978 256 ovr 5
328 Water, Pure and Simple: The Infinite Wisdom of an Extraordinary Molecule Paolo Consigli Watkins biochemistry information memory 2008 384 pb s k
329 Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain From Vienna 1900 to the Present Eric-R Kandel Random House subconscious perception art 2012 636 k
330 Hinges of History: Mysteries of the Middle Ages: The Rise of Feminism, Science, and Art from the Cults of Catholic Europe Thomas Cahill Doubleday history 2006 343 k
331 Einstein's Universe Nigel Calder Viking cosmology 1979 154 6
332 Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity David-J Kent Fall River Press history tesla electromagnetism 2013 248 6
333 Random House Webster's Dictionary of Scientists Random House encyclopedia history scientists 1997 552 6
334 Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla ????? ????? Fall River Press history tesla electromagnetism 2012 496 6
335 Avatars of the Word: From Papyrus to Cyberspace James-J O'Donnell Harvard University Press history culture words 1998 210pb s k
336 Voices in the Ocean: A Journey into the Wild and Haunting World of Dolphins Susan  Casey Doubleday other-intelligences dolphins 2015 303 s k
337 Subtle Energy: Awaken to the Unseen Forces of Our Lives William Collings Time Warner subtle-energy 1998 302 k
338 Beautiful Evidence Edward Tufte Graphics Press information images interpretation 2006 213 ovr k
339 Surely You're Jocking, Mr Feynman! Adventures of a Curious Character Richard-Ralph-Leighton Feynman Norton biography new-physics 1985 350 6
340 Subtle Body: Essence and Shadow David-V Tansley Thames and Hudson subtle-energy 1977 76 ovr 6
341 Secret Sedona: Sacred Moments in the Landscape Larry Lindahl Arizona Highways geography images spirituality 2013 80 ovr 6
342 Great Equations: The Hunt for Cosmic Beauty in Numbers Robert-P Crease Robinson equations 2008 313 pb s k
343 Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential Caroline Myss Harmony Books spirituality astrology archetypes 2001 430 k
344 Kirlian Aura: Photographing the Galaxies of Life Stanley-Daniel-Rubin Krippner Editors Anchor anthology subtle-energy 1974 208 k
345 Harpers Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience Rosemary-Ellen Guiley Harper-SanFrancisco encyclopedia mysticism paranormal 1991 666 pb 6
346 A Brief History of Time Stephen Hawking Bantam new-physics cosmology 1990 208pb 6
347 50 Mathematical Ideas: You Really Need to Know Tony Crilly Quercus mathematics mathematics history 2007 208 k
348 Gravity and Spacetime John-Archibald Wheeler Scientific-American new-physics 1990 257 k
349 Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla: HAARP-Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4 Tim Swartz Global Communications Tesla ???? 155 6
350 On the Move: A Life Oliver Sacks Alfred-A-Knopf biography psychology 2015 397 6
351 Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid Douglas-R Hofstadter Vintage philosophy cognition symmetry 1980 777pb 6
352 Dictionary of Mysticism and the Occult Nevill Drury Harper-Row dictionary mythology occult 1985 281pb 6
353 Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern Douglas-R Hofstadter Bantam philosophy cognition symmetry 1985 852pb 6
354 UFO Encyclopedia John Spencer Avon ufoab 1991 340pb 6
355 UFO Controversy in America David-Michael Jacobs Indiana University Press ufoab history 1975 362 6
356 New Scientist: The Quantum World: The Disturbing Theory at the Heart of Reality New-Scientist quantump 2017 223pb 6
357 Beyond Freedon  & Dignity B.F. Skinner Bantam behavior psychology sustainability 1971 215pb 7
358 Great Buildings of the World Kelly Knauer-Ed Time archetecture 2004 170 k
359 ISPR Investigates The Ghosts of New Orleans Larry-Daena Smoller Montz Whitford paranormal 2000 160pb 7
360 Superconductivity: A Very Short Introduction Stephen Blundell Oxford University Press physics superconductivity 2009 151pb k
361 Birth Order Book: Why You Are the Way You Are Kevin Leman Fleming H Revell Co behavior 1985 190 7
362 Magical Child Joseph-Chilton Pearce Plume behavior culture 1992 257 7
363 Statistics Without Tears: A Primer for Non-Mathematicians Derek Rowntree Scribners mathematics statistics 1981 199 k
364 Non-Euclidean Geometry Stefan Kulczycki Dover mathematics non-euclidian geometry 2008 208 k
365 QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter Richard-P Feynman Princeton University Press quantump QED 2006 158 7
366 Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge Edward-O Wilson Vintage biology 1999 367pb k
367 Please Understand Me: Character & Temperament Types David-Marilyn-Bates Keirsey Prometheus Books  psychology personality 1984 207pb 7
368 Life Forces: A Contemporary Guide to the Cult and Occult Louis  Stewart-pseudonym Andrews and McMeel Inc occult 1980 567 k
369 Complete Book of Holograms: How They Work and How to Make Them Joseph-Steven-Feller Kasper John-Wiley physics holograms 1987 216pb 7
370 Fairy Tales: Allegories of the Inner Life J.C. Cooper Aquarian Press psychology archytype unconscious 1983 159pb k
371 Electro Gravitics ll: Validating Reports on a New Propulsion Methodology Thomas Valone Integrity Research Institute alternative physics gravity propulsion 2008 160pb k
372 Politics of Experience R.D. Laing Ballantine Books psychology psychotherapy culture 1967 190pb
373 Energy Medicine Donna Eden Tarcher bioenergy self-help-exercises psychic 1998 378pb 7
374 Landscape and Memory Simon Schama Vintage culture images 1995 652pb k
375 Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency James Bamford Doubleday spy-history 2001 721 k
376 Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitolism Naomi  Klein Picador politics 2007 701 k
377 Arduino Project Book: 25 Practical Projects to Get You Started Mark Geddes No Starch Press hands-on electronics 2016 246pb k
378 A First Course in Computational Physics Paul-L DeVries John-Wiley mathematics text-book computer 1994 424 flpy-included 7
379 Numerical Analysis Timothy Sauer Pearson-Addison-Wesley mathematics text-book numerical-analysis 2006 669 CD-included 7
380 Practical Handbook: Image Processing for Scientific Applications Bernd Jahne CRC Press image-processing text-book 1997 589 7
381 Advanced Mathematics Richard.G Brown Houghton Mifflin mathematics text-book precalculus 1997 886+ 7
382 Macromedia Generator & Flash Demystified Mike-et-al Chambers Macromedia Press compsci web-graphics 2001 455pb CD-included k
383 XML for Dummies Lucinda-Ed-Tittel Dykes John-Wiley compsci web-graphics 2005 366pb web-site k
384 Visual Basic 6 For Dummies Wallace Wang IGD-Books compsci 1998 475 CD-included k
385 Ultrahigh Frequency Engineering Thomas-L Martin-Jr Prentice-Hall physics text-book 1950 456 k
385 Differential Equations With Boundary Value Problems William-E Boyce John-Wiley mathematics text-book differential-equations 2010 796pb UW 7
386 Wavelets in Physics J.C.-van-den Berg-Ed Cambridge University Press physics anthology wave-physics 1999 453 k
387 Vector and Phasor Analysis of Electric Fields and Circuits H.  Cotton Sir-Isaac-Pitman physics electromagnetism 1968 189pb 7
388 An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling Edward-A Bender Dover mathematics modeling 1978 256 k
389 Lasers and Holography: An Introcuction to Coherent Optics: 2nd Ed Winston-E Kock Dover physics optics 1981 114pb 7
390 Covariant Electrodynamics: A Concise Guide John-M Charap John-Hopkins-University-Press physics new-physics 2011 164pb k
391 Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field J.C. Maxwell Wipf and Stock physics T.F.-Torrance-Ed electromagnetism 1996 103pb k
392 A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism: Vol 2 J.C. Maxwell Dover physics electromagnetism 1954 500+pb k
393 Elementary Lectures on Electric Discharges, Waves, and Other Transients Charles-Proteus Steinmetz McGraw-Hill physics Classic-Reprint-Series electromagnetism 1911 149pb 7