Although our society has learned to use the properties of the ionosphere in many beneficial ways over the last century, there is still a great deal to learn about its physics, its chemical makeup and its dynamic response to solar influence. The upper portions of the ionosphere can be studied to some extent with satellites but the lower levels are below orbital altitudes while still too high to be studied using instruments carried by balloons or high flying aircraft. Much of the current theory is inferred by observing the ionosphere's effect on communication systems. In addition, some very useful information has been obtained using rockets (for example, from the Poker Flat Research Range <> near Fairbanks, AK). Active ionospheric research facilities, like HAARP, have provided detailed information that could not be obtained in any other way, about the dynamics and responses of the plasma making up the ionosphere. Incoherent Scatter Radars (ISRs), such as the one that will be built at the HAARP observatory, can study from the ground, small scale structures in the ionosphere to nearly the degree that an instrument in the layer could provide.

The ionosphere affects our modern society in many ways. International broadcasters such as the Voice of America (VOA) and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) still use the ionosphere to reflect radio signals back toward the Earth so that their entertainment and information programs can be heard around the world. The ionosphere provides long range capabilities for commercial ship-to-shore communications, for trans-oceanic aircraft links, and for military communication and surveillance systems. The sun has a dominant effect on the ionosphere and solar events such as flares or coronal mass ejections can lead to worldwide communication "blackouts" on the short wave bands. We have created an Example Page with data from a communications blackout that occurred on August 3, 1997 showing how the instruments at the HAARP observatory can be used to study the underlying physics of these telecommunication disruptions.

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